Physics BooksQuantum Field Theory Books

Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics [PS]

Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics [PS]

Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics [PS]

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sNA Pages
Similar Books
An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by University of Manchester

An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by University of Manchester

This note explains Classical field theory, Quantum field theory, Interacting scalar fields and perturbation theory.

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Lecture Notes on Quantum Field Theory by Kevin Zhou

Lecture Notes on Quantum Field Theory by Kevin Zhou

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Quantum Theory by James Sparks

Quantum Theory by James Sparks

This note describes the following topics: Classical particles and waves, Physical background and wave-particle duality, Wave mechanics, The Born interpretation, The harmonic oscillator, The mathematical structure of quantum theory, Statistical aspects of quantum theory, Angular momentum, The hydrogen atom.

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Quantum Field Theory P.J. Mulders

Quantum Field Theory P.J. Mulders

This book describes the following topics: Relativistic wave equations, Groups and their representations, The Dirac equation, Vector fields and Maxwell equations, Classical lagrangian field theory, Quantization of field, Discrete symmetries, Path integrals and quantum mechanics, Feynman diagrams for scattering amplitudes, Scattering theory and The standard model.

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Introduction To Quantum Field Theory

Introduction To Quantum Field Theory

This book covers the following topics: Path integrals and quantum mechanics, the classical limit, Continuous systems, Field theory, Correlation function, Euclidean Theory, Tunneling and instalatons, Perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams, Fermionic harmonic oscillator states, Path integrals for fermions and Feynman diagrams for fermions.

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Relativistic Quantum Field Theory Lecture Notes II

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Quantum Field Theory (PDF 155p)

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Quantum Field Theory program

Quantum Field Theory program

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sNA Pages


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sNA Pages
Quantum Field     Theory Program Notes

Quantum Field Theory Program Notes

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sNA Pages
Relativistic     Quantum Field Theory

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory

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sNA Pages
QCD and collider Physics

QCD and collider Physics

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Lecture Notes   Quantum Field Theory [PDF]

Lecture Notes Quantum Field Theory [PDF]

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sNA Pages
Lecture     Notes in Quantum Field theory (PDF 142P)

Lecture Notes in Quantum Field theory (PDF 142P)

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sNA Pages
Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Topological Quantum Field Theory [PDF 63p]

Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Topological Quantum Field Theory [PDF 63p]

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sNA Pages
Computational Methods in Quantum Field Theory [PDF 50p]

Computational Methods in Quantum Field Theory [PDF 50p]

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sNA Pages